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(212) 389-1341

Patient Escort Policy and Partners

If you are having a procedure that requires sedation, you must make arrangements to have a responsible adult escort you home from the Center. If you are unable to have an escort meet you at the center, there are several private escort services that are available at an additional cost to take you home.

Our center does NOT have a relationship with these entities. Please note that these services provide the escort only and that you will need to make separate arrangements for transportation. You will need to contact the escort service at least 48 hours in advance of your procedure. Please be advised that you will not be able to undergo your procedure if you have not made arrangements to have an escort take you home from the Center.

  1. Home Companion Services, (631) 473-0700 Estimated cost: $100
  2. The Discreet Medical Chaperone, Telephone: (212) 472-1954, Cell: (646) 283-8344 Estimated Cost: $92 in Manhattan, or $138 outside of Manhattan (depending on location)
  3. VNS Health Personal Care: Telephone: (212) 609-7700 Estimated cost: $148 (in five boroughs)
  4. The Fairy godmother Service (516) 815-2403 Estimated Cost: Call to Inquire
  5. Serendipity Senior Care (631) 509-4835 Estimated cost: Call to Inquire

Please be informed that insurance companies may refuse to pay for the procedure if patients leave against medical advice (AMA). Thank you for your compliance as to ensure everyone’s safety.