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Colonoscopy Procedure

A colonoscopy is the gold standard screening exam used to look for colorectal cancer (commonly referred to as colon cancer) that is recommended for patients without symptoms aged 45 or over (or earlier depending on risk factors such as family history, polyps, and other factors) that should be discussed with your gastroenterologist. 

Our physicians use a colonoscope, which is a long, flexible tube. This device, about as thick around as a small finger, has a camera on its end and sends the images to a monitor, where the doctor with observe its trip to the deepest part of your colon.

At the colonoscopy clinic, Midtown Endoscopy & Surgical Center, we utilize the latest in medical technology definition equipment and imaging modalities to optimally visualize your bowel during colonoscopy to make a diagnosis and establish an effective treatment plan. Our gold colonoscopy center is equipped to ensure your procedure is comfortable and safe while you are performing your colonoscopy.

Why Is It So Important to Have a Colonoscopy and What Is a Screening Colonoscopy?

Colon cancer is among the leading causes of cancer deaths in the United States, claiming about 50,000 lives a year. Increased awareness and prevention could save many of those patients. Coloscopy is a screening test to detect cancer early, while still treatable, and to detect and remove colonic polyps that may develop into cancers. The colonoscopy procedure can also be used to evaluate the cause of such symptoms as rectal bleeding, chronic diarrhea, chronic constipation, and a wide array of digestive symptoms for an accurate diagnosis as part of a complete evaluation. By visually inspecting the inside lining of your colon, trained GI doctors who specialize in colonoscopies can assess its overall health and look for signs of other medical issues to get you back to health.

Who should have a Colonoscopy?

It is recommended that all individuals over 45 (or early, depending on risk factors such as family history, history of polyps, and other reasons) undergo a screening colonoscopy. Patients with digestive symptoms such as rectal bleeding, chronic diarrhea, and many other symptoms should have a complete evaluation by their gastroenterologist, which will likely include a coloscopy exam procedure and another testing as needed.

Depending on your personal and family history, you may need to have colonoscopies regularly, which will be decided by your gastroenterologist. After a colonoscopy, discussing with your gastroenterologist when your next colonoscopy is due is essential based on many factors.

What Will the Doctor Be Looking for During Colonoscopy?

During the colonoscopy, the doctor examines the entire large bowel for ‘polyps’ and other abnormalities of the colon’s lining. Polyps are growths that develop in the lining of the bowel. Around 40% of people over the age of 50 are found to have polyps in their bowel during a screening. Polyps can vary in size from just a few millimeters in diameter to several centimeters in length. Although most polyps do not contain cancer, it is generally accepted that cancers arise in polyps.

If polyps are detected during the diagnostic test, they will most likely be removed at that time. If there are abnormalities in the colon’s lining, a biopsy will be taken and sent to the pathologist for examination. Sometimes, during colonoscopy screening, the doctor will take biopsies of your colon to look for microscopic diseases that can not be seen with the naked eye. The doctor will use the colonoscopy test results to diagnose your symptoms and develop an effective treatment plan.


What Are Some of the Indications for a Colonoscopy?

Since some of the symptoms are also the symptoms of more severe conditions, you should see your local gastroenterologist specializing in colonoscopy screening or visit a Manhattan Colonoscopy Center. Call us for an appointment or visit any of our outpatient colonoscopy locations in NYC to meet the best-in-class, top-rated gastroenterologists. We offer outpatient, private colonoscopies and same-day, emergency colonoscopies.

Why Choose Midtown Endoscopy & Surgical Center for Your Colonoscopy?

At Midtown Endoscopy & Surgical Center, we utilize the latest medical technology, high-definition equipment, and imaging modalities to optimally visualize your bowel during colonoscopy to make a diagnosis and establish an effective treatment plan. Our procedure room is equipped to ensure your procedure is safe during your colonoscopy. Our board-certified anesthesiologists are also there with you the entire time, providing the procedure is comfortable and secure. Importantly, our board-certified gastroenterologists, who undergo extensive training in colonoscopies, will perform your procedure and help you get the answers you need.